About Cole

At Cole Insurance, we don’t operate under the illusion that the products we sell hold a special place in your heart. We know that insurance is necessary to protect your investments and to provide you deeper peace of mind. That’s why we not only offer a range of options that we customize to meet your exact needs, but we also work extremely hard to effectively communicate the benefits you receive and the true value of the product as it aligns with the needs of your life or business.

Customization by Our Specialists

Sure, we sell a basic “hamburger,” but adding the condiments is where we excel. Our team of professionals works closely with you to determine your overall life or business goals and then carefully customizes a product to meet your needs so you get the best value for your investment. Our ultimate goal is to put a comfortable cushion between you and your liability and, in case of an accident or setback, help you return to where you were before this life-changing event occurred.

We back our products with outstanding customer service and a great claims management team. Everyone needs some form of insurance. It’s good to do business with someone you know and trust.